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Factory Store and Authorized Resellers

Our Factory Store in Jerusalem:

In our Jerusalem store you will find all the products manufactured and marketed by Tefillin Beit El;

Mehudar Tefillin, Tfidanit, KisuYad, and KufsaHod.

We have a wide collection of Judaica and unique gift items as well as Mezuzah covers, Talittot and their assorted bags, crystal vessels, kippot, chanukiyot, kiddush cups and goblets and a wide assortment of books on display.


Tefillin Beit El

Address: 10 Kanfei Nesharim, Givat Shaul, Jerusalem

Telephone: 02-652-2256


Authorized resellers:


Address: 3 Borochov Street, Raanana

Telephone: 09-7425464


Note: When purchasing Tefillin, make sure that you receive the warranty of Tefillin Beit El with the "Seal of Halachik Standard and Quality".



Tefillin manufactured by Tefillin Beit El are marketed and sold solely under the name:

Tefillin Beit El

Any other combination of names or wording written on the Tefillin simply means that you have not purchased a Tefillin Beit El quality product.

Phone: 02-997-4560 | Fax: 02-997-4017 |